Serving South Central Texas
The map shows our general service area. However, you’ll need to speak with a GVEC Internet representative to confirm the availability of service to your home or business.

From Surfing To Streaming
Surf the web, send email, bank online, download music, upload photos—we offer a variety of plans to choose from. Plus, data is unlimited with no hidden fees.
Everything you can do with “Fast” plus streaming, gaming and working from home. Do as much as you want because data is unlimited with no hidden fees.
The sky’s the limit with Fiber technology. It’s the most reliable, fastest service available. Like all of’s plans, data is unlimited with no hidden fees.
For Business
When you’ve got a business to run, we understand your needs and that your Internet connection must be up to the task.
- Guaranteed committed speeds
- Priority maintenance and repair
- Friendly, reliable 24/7 technical support
For Home
Connect with family and friends, stream movies, upload photos, work from home —GVEC Internet makes it all possible.
- Friendly, reliable 24/7 technical support
- Email spam and virus filtering
- Affordable rate plans that include unlimited data with no extra fees